Crozer-Keystone Hospice in Pennsylvania Partners with National 'We Honor Veterans' Program
We Honor Veterans, a program of the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization (NHPCO) in collaboration with the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), in July named Crozer-Keystone hospice in Pennsylvania a certified Earn Your Stars Level-1 partner.
We Honor Veterans empowers hospices and community organizations to meet the unique needs of America’s veterans and their families by offering guidance and resources focused on respectful inquiry, compassionate listening, and grateful acknowledgment so that veterans can be guided toward a more peaceful ending.
Partners must demonstrate a systematic commitment to improving care for veterans. There are five levels that partners can achieve in the program. Partner organizations assess their ability to serve veterans and, using resources provided as part of the program, integrate best practices for providing end-of-life care to veterans into their organization.
Crozer-Keystone’s Level 1 partner status means its hospice provides veteran-centric education for staff and volunteers and identifies patients with military experience in ways that ensure veterans are able to receive compassionate care that is specific to their needs. The hospice also earned the designation by completing activities for all five levels of commitment. This measure enables VA staff and veterans to easily identify hospices that have made a commitment to offer veteran-specific care and services provided by a competent and highly skilled workforce.