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5 Tips for a Healthy Summer



We often think of summer as a time to relax and loosen our typical daily routines. While summer is a time for fun, we can sometimes be unaware of the foods we are eating and the effects the sun and warm weather can have on our bodies.

Here are 5 simple tips for you to enjoy a relaxing but healthy summer.

  • Relax, but don’t forget to move! Relaxing is important, but moving your body is too. Get at least 150 minutes of aerobic physical activity every week.
  • Wear sunscreen & insect repellent. According to the CDC, we should use wide-brimmed hats, clothing that covers, and broad-spectrum sunscreen with at least SPF 15 for sun protection. Use insect repellent and wear long-sleeved shirts and long pants to prevent mosquito bites and ticks. Apply sunscreen before insect repellent. After you come indoors, check your clothing, body, and pets for ticks. Reapply sunscreen after 2 hours and after swimming, sweating, or toweling off.
  • Keep cool. Extreme heat can be dangerous for everyone, but it may be especially dangerous for people with chronic medical conditions. To prevent overheating, try a cooling towel. A cooling towel offers a quick way to lower your body temperature and beat the heat. Cooling towels are made of high-tech fabrics that are activated with water.
  • Eat healthy foods. Eating healthy is important in any type of weather, but when it’s hot outside we may tend to reach for ice cream and cold sugary treats to cool down. Instead, try chilled fruits like watermelon or berries. Chilled fruits and veggies make any summer meal healthier.
  • Drink wisely. Grabbing a sports drink to hydrate may be your first choice but enjoy these types of drinks in moderation. If you find that plain water is not satisfying, add slices of fruit for a refreshing, low-calorie drink.

These tips may seem like they are a bit too easy or perhaps you’ve heard these recommendations before–just make sure you are following them.

Enjoy your summer!